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7.3패치 - 직업전당 임무, 용사 장비, 신규 병력
2017/07/17 시간 11:55
에 의해 작성됨
이번 7.3패치에서는 새로운 임무에 적절히 대응할 수 있도록 용사 장비 업그레이드 아이템과 강력한 신규 병력등이 추가됩니다. 오늘은 새로운 용사장비와 신규병력으로 어떠한 것들이 추가되는지 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
이 페이지에서 소개되는 내용은 공개 테스트 서버를 기반으로 한 내용입니다. 정식 서버와 차이가 있을 수 있으니 주의하세요.
주의: 여기에는 7.3 주요 퀘스트와 임무에 대한 내용이 포함되어 있습니다. 스포일러에 주의하세요.
최근 테스트서버에 신규 임무와 퀘스트가 적용되었습니다.
불타는 심장
퀘스트 완료 이후 수행가능합니다 :
직업전당 임무 퀘스트
7.3에는 아르거스 임무에 대응할 신규 병력이 추가됩니다. 각 병력은 기본적으로
아르거스의 정예병
능력을 보유하고 있어, 아르거스 정예 임무를 쉽게 대응할 수 있도록 해줍니다.
빛벼림 방어병
빛벼림 방어병
빛에 벼려짐
공허에서 벗어난 크로쿨
공허에서 벗어난 크로쿨
공허에 물듦
크로쿨 마루추적자
크로쿨 마루추적자
크로쿨 마루추적자
단련된 생존자
The following 7.3 missions grant 10,000 experience and take 2,500 Order Resources. There aren't very many things to spend Order Resources on, and with the removal of Artifact Knowledge Work Order costs in 7.3, you'll have even more resources piling up.
황무지의 첫 움직임
High Exarch Turalyon has requested your assistance for an audacious assault against the Legion war machine.
광기에서 한 걸음 떨어진 곳
Alleria has asked you to search the Ruins of Oranaar for any Krokul not yet consumed by the Shadow.
Wresting Argus from the Legion's control will be for naught if the Void prevails. Expel the Shadowguard from Mac'Aree.
암흑사도 마루 보급품
Chieftain Hatuun has requested that you recover supplies hidden in Darkfall Ridge. In return, Krokul Ridgestalkers will help your forces navigate Argus' desolate landscape.
나스락사스 탈옥
The Krokul wish to rescue their brethren from Nath'raxas Hold before they are turned by the Fel. Should you succeed, the Legion's influence in this region will diminish.
The champion item level cap has been increased to 950 in Patch 7.3.
The armor sets added in Patch 7.2 are capped at increasing your champion's item level to 900:
커다란 방어구 한 벌
가시 박힌 방어구 한 벌
무적의 방어구 한 벌
The new champion armor items increase your champion to a certain item level:
크로쿨 방어구 세트
에레다스 방어구 세트
제네다르 방어구 세트
Uncommon and Rare Equipment
끈적이는 악마 피
: Use: Equip a Champion with Viscid Demon Blood which grants: Increases success chance on missions longer than 16 hours by 50%.
크로쿨 돌망치
: Use: Equip a Champion with Krokul Sledgehammer which grants: Increases mission success chance by 30%.
지옥의 군주 엄니
: Use: Equip a Champion with Pit Lord Tusk which grants: Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 60%.
뚫리지 않는 어둠매듭 두건
: Use: Equip a Champion with Impervious Shadowweave Hood which grants: Increases success chance of missions with Spells by 60%.
명료함의 가방
: Use: Equip a Champion with Satchel of Lucidity which grants: Reduces mission duration by 20%.
공허에 물든 아리노르 꽃
: Use: Equip a Champion with Void-Touched Blossom which grants: Increases success chance by 50% on missions shorter than 16 hours.
Epic Equipment
신성한 명령의 기록
: Use: Equip a Champion with Writ of Holy Orders which grants: Reduces mission duration by 25%.
빛벼림의 기념품
: Use: Equip a Champion with Momento of Light which grants: Increases mission success chance by 45%.
빛폭발 충전
: Use: Equip a Champion with Lightburst Charge which grants: Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 60%.
거룩한 제네다르 망치
: Use: Equip a Champion with Exalted Hammer which grants: Increases success chance on missions longer than 16 hours by 60%.
축성된 빛의 무장
: Use: Equip a Champion with Sanctified Armaments of the Light which grants: Increases success chance by 60% on missions shorter than 16 hours.
Legendary Equipment
어둠에 길잃은 발톱
: Equip a Champion with Darklost Claw which grants: Increases mission success chance by 45%. Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 60%.
지옥 마력이 주입된 군단 인형
: Equip a Champion with Fel-Infused Effigy which grants: Increases mission success chance by 45%. Increases success chance of missions with Spells by 60%.
고동치는 격노수호병 해골
: Equip a Champion with Wrathguard Skull which grants: Increases success chance on missions longer than 16 hours by 60%. Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 60%.
불안정한 저승의 두루마리
: Equip a Champion with Stygian Scroll which grants: Increases success chance on missions longer than 16 hours by 60%. Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 60%.
아우가리 검열관 지팡이
: Equip a Champion with Censorite Staff which grants: Increases success chance by 60% on missions shorter than 16 hours. Increases success chance of missions with Spells by 60%.
하늘빛살 가지촛대
: Equip a Champion with Azurelight Candelabra which grants:Increases success chance by 60% on missions shorter than 16 hours. Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 60%.
아르카나의 총독궁 고서
: Equip a Champion with Praetorium Tome which grants: Increases mission success chance by 45%. Reduces mission duration by 25%.
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