I am sure this will work out just as well for blizzard as the arkane studios acquisition
This is a totally uneducated opinion I'll admit.. but am I the only one who thinks this might work out better for WoW, because Microsoft is so much bigger as a company that all the money-grubbing that has taken over at Blizzard over the last decade will just be a drop in the ocean to them, Microsoft won't care and will just be able to say "go make a nice game, don't worry about the $$$" - obviously Microsoft is still a company and still needs to make money but if the subscription price covers their costs then maybe they will value their reputation much more than the few extra bucks they could be scabbing from players?
Excellent news.Big companies are big companies. And microsoft surely isn't any more or less virtuous than ABK. But the gaming department Microsoft is an actual way better steward of their studios than Boby Kotick ever was.I for one am really curious and optimistic about the future of Blizzard under Microsoft's guidance. And strengthening Microsoft against the almost monopolistic position of playstation is also a great thing.
So how long until they finally no longer have Bobby Kotick on contract?I've unloaded all my gold into WoW tokens over the last 2 years because I just refused to let one dime of my money go to the guy who knew about and ignored all of the sexual abuse that was going on at Blizzard.I would much rather pay a sub to Microsoft than have any of what I pay go to that P.O.S.
UK had got convinced(bribed) enought it seems.
So many armchair industry and market expert in this comment section. Literally only time can tell if this is good or bad. Speculation one way or the other breeds nothing but arguments for the sake of arguments.
And bobby is out from 2024: https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1712818483442987422
y'all crying about this are so incredibly daft and cringe. you clearly have absolute zero clue about how the world works.