Race should be Tournament Realm style, apart from the game itself. Premade characters, daily or bi-daily resets so they can accumulate gear, make substitutions, etc. Launch it a week or two before Live, and then it can be a true race event. (Or delay actual Mythic raid by said week or two so the raid isn't spoiled by the race..? IDK exactly.)
Splits only die if Blizzard does some kind of hard lockout contest mode style thing for the World First race.I do think it would be almost hilarious if the big guilds all do splits for the first few days only for some random guild to just zone in on Mythic and manage to get through the whole thing and steal all the thunder. Remember when these guilds all built up a hype for Classic World First races back in 2019 and then just swept it all under the rug when a guild of people who'd been playing on private servers for years just swept Molten Core out from under them? It would be so funny to see that happen on live
What is a split?
I don't see how splits are an issue for Blizzard to take action on, when they're entirely self imposed. If RWF raiders don't want to do splits, then they can literally just go into Mythic without doing splits. On the other hand, if they decide it's worth doing for the gear, then, well, it's worth doing, so what's to complain about? It's no different than grinding seeds for days to get an early augment rune or any of the other difficult/unpleasant/tedious things RWF raiders will do to try and gain an advantage. That being said, what I would like to see (and I think would help with the splits issue) is Mythic progression that takes more than a single reset. Later bosses being tuned such that they're impossible with just heroic gear from splits, where you need that second week of loot from the earlier mythic bosses, or where the weekly reset itself offers substantial power gain (in the form of vault loot, spark availability, creation console, etc.) that is necessary to continue progression. I acknowledge that it can also be frustrating to be unable to kill a boss when you have the perfect skills, perfect strategy, but it's mathematically impossible with your current gear - but honestly that situation fits in a fantasy rpg where so much of your character's power is defined by your gear already. For non RWF raiders who will take a few resets to reach the end bosses anyway, they will already have that gear by the time they get there so they won't be hurt by it being tuned to require that gear.
Agreed. Splits are terrible. Blizzard needs to regulate and/or use a "WF Realm" to promote the world first race and have strict rules. No idea why they havent done this in the 20 years the game has been out. It would be great marketing. World First raiders are obviously great at the game/class but farming heroic over and over to get multiple of weeks worth of gear all in one week is terrible gameplay. Blizzard can tune bosses better if this was stopped.
"Basically everyone agrees splits suck, but actually finding a solution that removes them without worse downsides for either the Race, everyone else, or both!" - we're missing part of this sentence... "is difficult!"?We understand the sentiment, though, and also that excitement can eclipse grammar. :D
Even if Blizz somehow prevents splits then they'll just M+ to death until they get the gear they want. They will always find some workaround. And like someone else said, it's specifically these RWF guilds that self-impose a ridiculous number of splits - they've created their own monster and perfected it into a long punishing grind.
Getting rid of splits would hurt RWF. Splits give regular players a chance to participate and be engaged, pushing it to a tournament relmn would destroy that and any change in live to break splits would hurt the regular players.
The problem with any kind of tournament realm or separation of the race from live servers, is that the race is a community thing not a blizzard thing. If Blizzard make it into its own thing with tournament realms, there will still be a community of players that wants to be the first to kill the boss on live servers, and they will still do splits or whatever else it takes to be World First (live).