Lol glad i woke up and checked wowhead when i did.
Ohh, actual card unconditional card draw for paladins that doesn't cost 8 mana, thats nice!
Chomaggus looks very awesome and very risky...
Druid got the short stick of the expansion. everyone else got one minionand onespell and druid got two minions of doubtful usefulness
You could end up with a full hand of nothing to play.agreed on the majordomus, I see only mages and warlocks playing him reliably
I am SUPER excited for Blackrock Mountain now!
Would be interesting if the Druid of the Flame's minions were beasts. At least they would get along with the rarely used Druids of the Fang.
Actually they said on stream they were beasts.
I don't know how to feel about that Warrior card. At best it's a less expensive Hellfire, which is awesome. At worst it's a more expensive Whirlwind, which is terrible.
Oh god I want Majordomo Executus so bad. Might craft Jaraxxus, Alexstrazsa, and Mal'ganis for maximum trolling purposes too.