I believe it is time to remove exotic pets from beast mastery and make them aviable to all hunter specs.
Imho much more important than making exotic pets available to all hunters is to freely choose a pet spec. Who wants a tenacity pet?
Why they always make the pets I want for my survival hunter an exotic bm exclusive?
Hope to see Night Elven spirit beast with DarkShores model or something.Its sad, that in Night Elves patch there are only spirit beasts for trolls...
Apart from all above, I just need more slots or better collection management in my stable. I'm close to full at this point, especially because the double whammy for BM hunters.
"That's because this beast is permanently stealed." Ahh yes....stealed.
I want a longboi pet, with auctions house ofc
Sul'Raka is a nice addition. It's such a welcome change to have a unique model instead of "generic look but ghost" like most of our spirit beasts tend to be. It's a nice change of pace, though I don't see myself using her. I still prefer my ghostly bear Arcturis despite me ragging on basic ghost models lol. Good stable slot warmer though! Now if only we'd get Nah'qi figured out so those of us with every spirit beast otherwise can feel complete...Regarding the comments, such amazing toxicity towards BM and wanting exotic classification gone, sheesh. It's a pointless limitation nowadays when we can tame undead mutants, abominations made from science, souls of the deceased turned into armored war machines, and so on in any spec. "Exotic" has lost all meaning, and there would be nothing lost if all pets were available to all hunters. It'd be a huge win for the other specs if they could have access to the things they've tamed.