Durumu the Forgotten
Encounter Journal
Heroic | Mythic | |
Deadly | Important | |
Tank | DPS | |
Healer | Interruptible | |
Magic | Curse | |
Poison | Disease | |
Enrage |
Hard Stare – Durumu focuses his gaze on his current target and inflicts 150% weapon damage as Physical damage on them. Victims of this attack suffer a Serious Wound and an Arterial Cut.
Serious Wound – Victims of Serious Wound receive 10% less healing per application.
Arterial Cut – Victims of Arterial Cut suffer 16 Physical damage every second until they are restored to full health.
- Gaze – If Durumu has no valid melee targets he instead Gazes at all players, inflicting 50% weapon damage as Physical damage.
Disintegration Beam – Durumu will focus his gaze into a beam of pure destruction directly in front of him. Players who are caught in the beam are killed instantly. While focusing this beam Durumu will slowly turn in either direction and his Cross-Eye will create a maze of Eye Sores across the platform.
Mind Daggers – Any currently active eyes other than the Cross-Eye will inflict 17 Arcane damage to random players in the raid.
In 10-Player difficulties 1 player is chosen at random.
In 25-Player difficulties 3 players are chosen at random.
Walls of Ice – Durumu summons three walls of ice to impede players as they attempt to move around the platform. The individual sections of each ice wall have their health linked and will shatter when any section has been sufficiently damaged.
Light Spectrum – Durumu spawns a Blue Eye, Red Eye, and a Yellow Eye to cast three color beams targeting random players in the raid. Once the initial beam completes, the Blue Eye and Red Eye focus a cone on their inital target for the duration of the Light Spectrum sequence. The Yellow Eye ignores its initial target and instead moves its cone in one randomly chosen direction.
Players in each cone split damage equally and will gradually suffer more damage the longer they are within the cone's area of effect.
In Raid Finder Difficulty, each cone inflicts damage to all players within it.
Each cone reveals a specific creature that is normally invisible.These cones persist until players have found and vanquished all Crimson Fogs.
In Raid Finder Difficulty, these cones persist until players have found and vanquished one fog beast of each color.
In Heroic Difficulty, if players fail to complete the Light Spectrum sequence within 80 seconds Durumu will Obliterate the raid.
- Infrared Light – If no players are in the Red Eye's cone, the Eye will inflict 55 Fire damage to all players. Otherwise all players within the Red Eye's cone suffer 136 Fire damage every 2 seconds.
- Infrared Light – If no players are in the Red Eye's cone, the Eye will inflict 55 Fire damage to all players. Otherwise all players within the Red Eye's cone split 136 Fire damage equally every 2 seconds.
- Bright Light – If no players are in the Yellow Eye's cone, the Eye will inflict 55 Nature damage to all players. Otherwise all players within the Yellow Eye's cone suffer 136 Nature damage every 2 seconds.
- Bright Light – If no players are in the Yellow Eye's cone, the Eye will inflict 55 Nature damage to all players. Otherwise, all players within the Yellow Eye's cone split 136 Nature damage equally every 2 seconds.
- Blue Rays – If no players are in the Blue Eye's cone, the Eye will inflict 55 Frost damage to all players. Otherwise all players within the Blue Eye's cone suffer 136 Frost damage every 2 seconds.
- Blue Rays – If no players are in the Blue Eye's cone, the Eye will inflict 55 Frost damage to all players. Otherwise all players within the Blue Eye's cone split 136 Frost damage equally every 2 seconds.
Crimson Fog – Crimson Fogs are only revealed by the Red Eye's Infrared Light.
- Caustic Spike – Crimson Fogs cast Caustic Spike at random players while revealed by the Infrared cone of the Red Eye. Caustic Spike inflicts 35 Physical damage to the victim.
- Crimson Bloom – If a Crimson Fog leaves the Red Eye's Infrared cone it will cast Crimson Bloom. Crimson Bloom inflicts 136 Fire damage to all players.
Amber Fog – Amber Fogs are only revealed by the Yellow Eye's Bright Light.
Amber Retaliation – Amber Fogs will cast Amber Retaliation once for every 10% health lost. Amber Retaliation inflicts 4 Nature damage to all players within the cone of Bright Light.
Burst of Amber – If an Amber Fog leaves the area of Yellow Eye's Bright Light it will cast Burst of Amber. Burst of Amber inflicts 136 Nature damage to all players.
Azure Fog – Azure Fogs are only revealed by Blue Eye's Blue Rays.
Icy Grasp – Azure Fogs inflict increasing Frost damage to all players in the cone of Blue Rays while revealed by the Blue Eye's cone of Blue Rays.
Flash Freeze – If an Azure Fog leaves the area of Blue Eye's Blue Rays it will explode for 136 Frost damage to all players.
Flash Freeze – If an Azure Fog leaves the area of Blue Eye's Blue Rays it will explode for 136 Frost damage to all players. Azure Fogs will also cast this spell whenever they are slain.
Biting Chill – When players destroy an Azure Fog, it will respawn in a random location on the platform.
- Mind's Eye – Durumu summons a Mind's Eye that casts Force of Will periodically.
- Force of Will – The Mind's Eye focuses intently on a random player, knocking back any players who remain in the Eye's gaze when Force of Will finishes casting.
- Force of Will – The Mind's Eye focuses intently on a random player, knocking down any players who remain in the Eye's gaze when Force of Will finishes casting.
- Hungry Eye – Durumu summons a Hungry Eye that casts Life Drain on players.
- Life Drain – The Hungry Eye focuses its gaze on a random player and begins to draw out their life force, stunning them for 15 sec. Life lost from the victim is added to Durumu's health pool.
The longer the Hungry Eye is allowed to focus on any given player the more life will be drawn from the victim. Hungry Eyes drain the life of the closest player between it and the initial target.
Evil Eye – Durumu's Evil Eye periodically casts Dark Parasite on players.
Dark Parasite – Dark Parasites course through the victim, inflicting Shadow damage every second. The amount of damage increases the longer the parasite is allowed to infect its host.
Dispelling the parasites from the victim causes the parasites to morph into a Dark Plague.Dark Plague – When Dark Parasites are cleansed they morph into a Dark Plague. Dark Plague's duration is equal to the duration remaining when Dark Parasites was cleansed and will spawn a Wandering Eye every 3 seconds.
- Wandering Eye – Wandering Eyes are spawned from victims of Dark Plague and will attack a random player.
- Devour – Wandering Eyes inflict 14 Shadow damage to their chosen host every two seconds. Any damage the Wandering Eye suffers is copied to the host.
- Appraising Eye – Durumu will summon an Appraising Eye that casts Lingering Gaze on players.
- Lingering Gaze – The Appraising Eye lobs a shadowy missile at two random players. When the missile lands it explodes for 18 Shadow damage to all within 15 yards and will create a zone that will persist until the end of the encounter. Players entering this zone suffer 27 Shadow damage every second and are slowed 30%.
- Lingering Gaze – The Appraising Eye lobs a shadowy missile at five random players. When the missile lands it explodes for 18 Shadow damage to all within 15 yards and will create a zone that will persist until the end of the encounter. Players entering this zone suffer 27 Shadow damage every second and are slowed 30%.
- Lingering Gaze – The Appraising Eye lobs a shadowy missile at three random players. When the missile lands it explodes for 18 Shadow damage to all within 15 yards and will create a zone that will persist until the end of the encounter. Players entering this zone suffer 27 Shadow damage every second.
Obliterate – Durumu will kill all players if he has not been defeated within 10 minutes.
In Heroic Difficulty, Durumu will use Obliterate if players fail to complete the Light Spectrum sequence within 80 seconds.
Quotes (9)
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: Behold the power of the void.
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: Do you see what I did there?
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: I ... welcome ... the void's ... embrace.
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: I expected so much more. How ... disappointing.
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: I'm keeping an eye on you.
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: Looks like you couldn't keep up ... pity.
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: Observe your demise.
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: The mists hide many secrets ... if you know where to look.
- Durumu the Forgotten yells: Thousands of years ... without new playthings ... I will enjoy this.
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