Another lie from incompetent Blizzard developers... It is massive advantage and they know it.
The backlash isn't about gaining an advantage, its about squeezing the loyal players for cash to play the brand new expansion on the real release day
''The primary purpose of the early access period is for leveling'' no its to make more money, if you're gonna behave scummy atleast be honest about it.
Lets be real.. The game will likely be bugged AF during the early release. So even though I did get the Epic. I doubt it will be playable. The ONLY advantage is for us slow fukers for leveling up. Thats it..
Unfortunately some my friends aren't as big of wow fans as me and I don't think they'd pay extra for early access... I can choose to not pay as well, but then i know other friends are going to play at early access.So yeah split my already diminished wow friend group in half. So it is kind of going to ruin my experience of launch :(
How are botters prevented from using early access and early untested exploits? Blizzard devs could not deliver 10.2 world events in a finished/tested state, how are they gonna deliver a whole expansion w/o exploits for early access players ?
I always buy collectors edition and i'm annoyed at early access... i want the gates to open up for all of us at the same time.It's just not the same experience without a bit of server lag and occasional server crash on day 1.
Just a heads up;Flnal Fantasy 14 would NEVER do this. It also has 4x the playerbase with zero pay to win and no 'token'.Remember when we used to blame these predatory decisions on little bobby? Well what's the excuse now?
None of this matters. I'm going in early to farm so many resources and make millions, easily paying for the preorder.
So it will have short term advantages then. Still a advantage Bliz.
We've previously had expansions launched on non-reset days. So if the game launches on a monday or tuesday, we're used to EU not being able to engage in m0 or world bosses etc, before the reset wednesday.This was always the case.To label early access as a new "friendly" feature for dads who need more time to level, is garbage, this is a normal release, no progression is being locked that wouldnt have been locked if the game launched on a monday. This is 100% a money grab, and terrible way to split the community and players within guilds.
you can still make A LOT of gold herbing & mining in the first 3 days which are my favorite profs to do :/
THIS. IS. NOT. THE. are putting the release day experience and atmosphere with everyone else behind a paywall and you freaking now it!
This was an Incredible dumb idea... MMORPG... are about the community and the feeling of beeing part of something bigger, so the lauch day is one of the coolest and most amazing days of any mmorpg... so early acces makes no sence what so ever... I hope the marketing team at blizzard start playing games and start to understand what gamers are about, insted of forgetting what company they are hiered in and who they are working for...Blizzard was all about the gamers and everyone who worked in their company had to enjoy and play games... and no real gamers would ever thing this is a good idea....lets just be real, early acces... is nothing more then a cash can suger cote it.... you can use every nice word or tought out there.... but its only a sad and useless cash grab...Blizzard stop liisten to your marketing team or the money people... they are your poison...PS: Blizzcon was amazing about world of warcraft, so all you need to do is come out and they yuo have removed this dumb early acces, you would get so much creds...