Alright time for everyone’s opinion on this to magically flip to the opposite of what it was ten minutes ago.
Okay this absolutely makes my night. I specifically finished the treasures achievement last night because I thought I'd get the Antlers, only to see it was from the meta-achievement, and that even if I finished everything else (I did) I'd still be time-gated by the story. So happy they reverted the change.
I wanna know why they shoved it onto the Dream On achievement before putting it back on the treasure collecting one, I'm glad they switched it back but good lord Blizzard, make up your minds.
Lol, I did this last night, saw that it suddenly required Dream On! and was like well I made it this far might as well commit.
Anyone complete the achievement and not get the antlers? I completed it about two hours ago but it still hasn't shown up.
Arguably a single helm transmog is also a fairly underwhelming reward for a zone meta achievement anyway. Seems with this change they're looking to replace the reward of the meta achievement as well, so this really only favors players.