Hope they will add portals to Nordrassil/Ashenvale to meet the rest of their species ?
"Thank you champions for saving our tree. Now go wait tables."
Hope they get a dock built like someone else suggested and it becomes their new starting area. Get some more NE architecture. Add some Tauren areas so Horde feels comfortable too. Along the same lines, Exodar is now chilling all by themselves in Kalimdor.
i like it so far.And with these rumors about Blizz adding new Allied Races BEFORE The War Within.I kinda hope we are getting Gnolls and Tuskarr..and maybe Druids for all..
Oh my fkin' God, man. We had 8 expansions about race wars, and the legion attacking, and the space giants btching about "The Cycle (TM)", and whatever the hell. You people get 1 "beach episode" about renewal, and healing, and chill adventures, and feels, and you throw your piss in the wind.The theme of the expansion is obviously rebuilding, and it's goal is to setup the conflicts of order and chaos, and reestablish the world and it's characters so we can have bigger but understandable conflicts in the future. Calm the hell down, you'll get your nerubian invasion soon.
The Tyr dialogue really confused me - I was like, what is he doing here! Granted the full stay a while and listen wasn’t available, but I did read stony Ts dialogue which is spoilers for where we end up with Tyr for now (unless it’s a red herring.) I also didn’t get the campaign completion in quest log, which feels buggy/unintended release like.
Tyr being there seems to be more cut content than the finale being released before his finale, because koranos is acting like we havent gotten the disc for tyr yet, and i refuse to believe we spent this whole expansion trying to reforge him, only for it to fail that badly that tyr is just a walking baby, when the questline makes it clear the silver shard does hold much of his memories itself.
Its great its open for raiders, but some of us don't.I assume it will open eventually?
Ah yes, soup. Very romantic.
I want to thank wowhead staff for making it obvious that there are spoilers within. For those of us that really don't want things spoiled. Thanks!