Is there any word on a fix for the Sinister Calling achievement for people who learned the pet on an alt and now can't get the achievement on their main for "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been" meta achievement?
I wonder if they will fix the issues with buffs and heals in dungeons when there are people with and without pvp enabled. Frustrating when you end up with people who aren't willing or cant communicate in English via RDF.
I hope they can fix the auto running strafe bug soon. Very annoying to play when random actions cause your char to start auto running in strafe during boss fights
How do you even get 2 of those rings in the first place? I thought you have to turn in one to get another.
And again no fix for Halls of Reflection?
Have they mentioned anything about not being able to get to Netherwing Ledge?As soon as i turn into an orc i get dismounted and can't get close enough to make it there.
Have to ask, been a lot of "reports" or should I say "talk about" in groups while running LFG runs, that things like Righteous Fury/Frost Presence and Defensive Stance increased threat gen fails to apply, Sometimes it seems to be enough to just "remove" and turn it on again to get the threat increase to work as it should but sometimes I´ve seen tank's leaving couse it wont work no matter what they do. Any news about this and a fix for it coming?