And so it begins.
Where are the nerf hotfixes for all rogue specializations and for dh havoc?
I love all these armchair people who think they know what is best.saying "they can easily defeat the boss without this nerf" and other strange things without having any real knowledge.Don't really understand why people who probably never gonna do RTW or even touch mythic raiding in the first place complain about it.
Why is Blizzard so awful at balancing rofl
Why would they nerf a boss in a raid that was just released not even a week ago?Once that nerf is added, anyone who completes the raid as realm first - it shouldn't count because its not the original raid. We cannot have things made easier just so players can have an easier time. Raids are supposed to be challenges. And new raids are not supposed to be fully completed in the first week or first few attempts. My dream is for there to be a few expansions where there is no Beta and no forums. So we can finally play what the devs intended, instead of the watered down version we get after players whining and complaining about something being too hard. Challenge matters. Skills matter. Earning rewards matters. Nothing should be easy. I wish that all xp needed for each level was tripled or quadrupled. That all open world enemies and rares have double health and do double damage. That is a real challenge. The devs shoould poll all account holders and then finally see that they have been listening to the vocal MINORITY of players and not the majority.
imo world first race should last 2 weeks for better items and all and not nerf the boss
lame.Are they going to nerf every boss they get stuck on?It's mythic you are suppose to progress through it.They are in heroic gear.
AHAHAHAH.Called it. Nerfing it while Echo sleeping, classic. I just cant understand why these kind if gamechanger nerfs (even if its not last boss) have to happen when Liquid is pulling. EU late afternoon (6-7pm) should be the target for these nerfs while BOTH guilds doing the raid.NA already having 8-10hours of headstart on the 2nd week (if bosses are not lame and last for another week) with the vault loot which gives them huge average ilvl advantage, no, they need the nerfs happening during their time as well. #$% classicalso why nerf while they at ~475? Next week they gonna be 485 and blast through it....
Trash Indie company nerfing a hard boss when the actual RWF started, while top guilds one-shotted the first 6 bosses. They should never touch mythic bosses unless they are unkillable for like 2 weeks. Thanks, Trashzard for ruining the RWF once again, not even the player in the first hand wanted nerfs.
Learning Point for Blizz, release a patch after thanskgiving not the week before.
Blizzard Liquid fanboys doing their work
What's the point of nerfing the second to last boss being beatable in mostly heroic, M+ and crafted gear? Why not just keep it like it is and have guilds farm gear in mythic raid and vault for a week or two to be able to handle mechanics?