Here to get some extra salt on my french fries.
What does it mean when it "pierces immunities?"Does that mean it just ignores them? Like it would kill you through a Divine Shield or Bless of Protection?
wow cant dispell that , lol that thing gona nuke
cool, im glad that blizzard made sure to change the tooltip to ensure people know that it's unimmuable /SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
What's the point of an immunity if you aren't immune when using it 100% of the time? What garbage is this?
Immunities cant immune , root removal spells cant remove roots cuz they spawn adds in one of the raid encounters aka you are forced to play it trough... like why there is class identity at all :D
the fact you cant purge the magic effect i get it as it makes meta more open for different comps but titanic blow going through immunities?That is just ridiculous!Whats the point of a pally to have bop and bubble if they dont have a use!
Reducing completion timer should always be combined with across the board nerfs to HP and damage of all enemies in the dungeon by same or bigger amount to compensate for shorter timer.Obviously those incompetent blizzard devs that have absolutely no clue how to do tuning just ruined those dungeons and made them unplayable...No to mention they slapped massive buffs no one asked for on top of those now shorter timers...
Cutting the timers short is fine but only if they cut out the RP entirely, it has no place in a beat the timer game mode and last i checked they reduced the amount of RP but it's still there.