Heroic | | Mythic |
Deadly | | Important |
Tank | | DPS |
Healer | | Interruptible |
Magic | | Curse |
Poison | | Disease |
Enrage |
– Ozumat summons the Ink of Ozumat to attack players and pollute the arena. Neptulon grants players
[Cleansing Flux] with the power to purify
[Blotting Darkness].
Once the Ink of Ozumat has been purged, Neptulon empowers himself and his allies with the
[Tidal Surge] to banish Ozumat.
Stage One: Filthy Invaders!
Ozumat floods foul ink into the bubble, forming the Ink of Ozumat and Servants of Filth.
Ink of Ozumat
Blotting Barrage
The Ink of Ozumat launches a volley of smearing globs at players that inflict 15 Shadow damage within 6 yards and create Blotting Darkness.Blotting Darkness
A spreading pool of ink that inflicts 30899 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players within the effect and reduces their movement speed by 20%.
Putrid Roar
The Ink of Ozumat unleashes a rotting roar, inflicting 65917 Shadow damage to all players and an additional 16479 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Murk Spew
The Ink of Ozumat retches a glut of filth, inflicting 247189 Shadow damage to players in front of it.
Foul Bolt
The Ink of Ozumat inflicts 100% of normal weapon damage as Shadow damage to its current target if the player is not in melee range.
Deluge of Filth
Ozumat ejects a surge of ink blots into the bubble, each inflicting 35 Shadow damage within 5 yards of impact and forming Servants of Filth. Servants of Filth
Gushing Ink
The Sludge bursts, inflicting 192258 Shadow damage within 5 yards and creating Blotting Darkness.Blotting Darkness
A spreading pool of ink that inflicts 30899 Shadow damage every 1 sec to players within the effect and reduces their movement speed by 20%.
The Sludge's melee attacks have a chance to apply Grimy to the target, inflicting 5493 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec.
Ink Blast
The Splotch musters a blob of ink to fling at a player, inflicting 63170 Shadow damage.
Stage Two: Tidal Surge
Once the Ink of Ozumat has been purged, Neptulon empowers himself and his allies with the gift of pure water.
Tidal Surge
Neptulon infuses players with the tides energy, granting them immense power. Neptulon additionally channels a beam of pure water into Ozumat, inflicting 1373270 Frost damage every 1 sec.
– Upon reaching 10% health remaining, Ozumat flees back into the depths.
Raining Darkness
Ozumat spits an endless storm of ink into the bubble, inflicting 54931 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec.
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