wait are they turning flash of light into a HoT?
“That’s right, with season of discovery it’s ALL about DISCOVERY. So there will be NO public testing (PTR), it’s all up to you to find your adventure” - Blizzcon 2023 SoD announcement So… did they $%^& up and not realize the classic PTR build has SoD data in it? If so they just *!@#ed up hard lol
>Savage Roarright, so they're just making it retail minus then
"No PTR to avoid data mining..." um...
They said no PTR before streamers got on the blizzcon servers for SoD and textures were a solid green or red. It was bad. They probably want/need the testing.
Do my eyes deceive me? Do I see mother ^&*!in' GLAD STANCE? THE GOAT! IT'S BACK 😭
Would be fun if Blizz revoked WoWhead access next time they did interviews. Just an idea.
The runes in the game are already known since Blizzcon. You will still not know where to get a rune because the runes have no specific location, drop or quest. It's random. This was stated at Blizzcon.
I wonder what’s the deal with those 3s CD Raptor Strike entries. A CD reduction on rune? A change to the base spell to support the melee hunter build? Something that players won’t see and is there for an NPC?Quite interesting.
Huge fail on the talents, taking you to the WOTLK talents lol
I thought the runes were going to give new play styles to classes.Granted I didn't read every single rune, but if someone did, did anyone see healing mage ones, or tanking warlock things, etc?Pretty hype for gladiator stance appearing though! God I miss that.