Darnassus chairs are gone or is it just me? i only see 1 chair....
Interdasting timing. But I guess blizz cant delay this one too :P
Thunder Bluff was missing one chair. After a (lengthy) dc, it was missing two. Orgrimmar had phasing issues with a level 32 - it wasn't there at all. Yet for a different 37 Org was there. I think Org is phased with some quest or another.
Cool, so horde get a 10% rep buff and alliance cant get it? Seems fair again.
If taking the tram (or portal) to Ironforge for dinner is something you refuse to do, that's not on Blizz. It's not even like it's hard to get there! Ignoring facts to call a bug (of all things) 'unfair' is...well, not really in the spirit of the holiday, to put it nicely.
Honestly I'm surprised Blizz didn't just disable the buff for SL content, given how they handled the anniversary event this year.
For Horde players not able to see the quest givers in front of Orgrimmar, I've found a solution as the problem seems related to the phasing of the Legion Staging area on top of the normal area in front of Org.