So.... that is a no on killing her *sigh* not surprising.And no... I don't care of her motivation... she is long past redemption of any sorts.If redemption is to happen,t hen in the afterlife.
Yea can't wait for them to redeem Sylvanas and kill off Tyrande right at the start of the Ardenweald campaign.I can't even find words for how bad the writing isAtleast Tyrande got her revenge in 8.1, otherwise it would be insulting if they killed her off just like that!
So... Retconning redemption story for a crazy woman who committed genocide (this word is written in one of your books) and started a awfully big war? Well, okay, Blizzard, okay, I understand you, you will justify one of the most terrible crimes because you like money and fanservice elven edgy chicks in revealing clothes, okay...
Keep in mind we can as players accept or reject any story they are trying to tell us. We own our own story and whether we include their version of it is up to us.
Sylvanas can't be redeemed. I mean, yeah, they can obviously try. They could also make Gnomes blue. But for anyone who's been paying attention and who has some sort of consistent moral compass, there is nothing they can do to make Sylvanas any less of a horrid, tyrannical maniac. And I have no problem with villain characters, but appreciating villains is different from justifying their actions.Even if they try to spin it as a greater good thing, it won't change what she did, the many people she hurt, killed, enslaved and toyed with.She's as bad as the Lich King was, if not worse.
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
What a joke of an expac this is sounding.Retconing an iconic character to fit thier new ''vision''Screw these clowns.
Redeem sylvanas so i can finally stop playing this game. Lore cant be more garbage. No. You cant have my golds.
We should help Sylvanas to kill Tyrande, Greymane and Jaina - three of the most annoying characters in the game.
So Blizzard first removes a ton of references in the game to Sylvanas' genocide and now they're going to redeem her. Ain't that some *!@#. Really glad that Night Elf players have so much to be proud of like that time we got revenge for Teldra-... I mean that time that we... Or how about that really cool character named.. Uh...
Thank goodness we almost killed an undead guy with a bow for our revenge! I can't imagine how bad it would be if we didn't get any sense of closure for the Night Elves genocide!
I hope I get to kill off Tyrande, only thing more annoying than her are her overzealous fanboys that think that WoW=real life.
Just want to gently point out that a lot of people are saying this interview claims Sylvanas is getting redeemed, but that's really my words. What Steve specifically said is it's *not* about whether or not she's getting redeemed. What we are finally getting is *her* perspective. Personally I took that to mean it's most likely she won't get a redemption storyline, but at least her motivations won't be shrouded in mystery and we'll have a clear idea of exactly what she thinks and is motivated by, and can decide for ourselves whether we accept that or not. Again, that's just my reading though.
Heavens... did you all just intentionally misread what he said? He just said they want to show her side clearer and also acknowledged, that they handled the reveals not that good or gave us not enough information. He did neither confirm nor deny that we kill her...
I feel bad about Mathias Shau become gay. In the latest scene with him and Valeera I thought Blizzard were going to make them a couple. Speaking about Odin, I don't know how honored and revered he was portrayed, but for me he was the laziest and the most useless character of the expansion. He literally did nothing. The only thing he was able to do is hiring us to do the dirty job for him