Taiwan only? That's some BS
where is my spectral tiger
Magic Rooster owners in retail sweating.
That's fine, let's not forget taiwanese, chinese servers before they closed, and korean do and did NOT have access to tcg, therefore without promotions the only tcgs they can get are the red rocket, rhino and riding turtle, which are on BMAH, and the turtle can be fished too ofc.
Nothing is "earned", it's a video game not a job.
They actually had the rooster on the PTR for Wrath back in the day. I have screenshots of my main on one. It was like a "here, dream about it but you can never have it". LOL
I mean.. look at mimiron mount for example or the proto drakes, undying titles. None cares if you have it. Its a 14y old game, content which is known. It will never have the same value as it was on retail. They gonna milk classic for sure and the players will love it. Loads of pvpgodx or djpalagod will be riding on roosters soon in classic.
Just add all the tcg mounts in the trading post alrdy! this is getting stupid... we should have gotten Spectral tiger a long time ago, i just want to see the p2w kids that bought it for real money get owned, i hate entitled kids, everyone should have it, if they think the mount is cool they will use it even if everyone ells has it, items should not be unobtinable, they should also add the MoP CM stuff, why should i be punished cuz i dident play in MoP, after everyone expansion they should just leave stuff in, same goes for the A head of the curve achivements with mounts, everyone wont have an active sub every raid, we should be able to come back the next expansion and just collect those things if we want, none should decide for others what they can and can't do
says ptr build its in but Taiwan already has it available. how clear is it its for Taiwan only? also even if it was available for NA servers can we get 90 days game time with tokens? or has to be 90 days sub?
What is these class and spells change ? Just by curiosity
lmao'ing at all the people saying some of the TCG mounts would never be sold by blizzard. This is coming to retail in the west soon. You love to see it.
Blazing Hippogryph = Cataclysm?
I removed all the guildie that said, “ came back for icc and rdf, waiting for 10.2”